New Embedded Electronics, Robotics, and Maker Site Launches!

Creators of the world's first DIY game console the "XGameStation Micro" back in 2004 launches a new web site

For the past 10 years, Nurve Networks LLC has been developing educational embedded systems based on AVR, PIC, Propeller, ARM, FPGAs, and many technologies to help developers get into embedded development for both hobby and professional goals. But, Nurve has always only sold their own products for the most part and not distributed any other products. But, CEO, André LaMothe had this to say:

"When we started in 2003 there was nothing like the products we were developing, there was the BASIC Stamp and that was about it. But, now there are dozens if not hundreds of amazing products from Raspberry Pis and Arduinos to quad copters. But, with so many choices its really hard to know where to start? What microcontroller to use? What kit to buy? What tools to buy? And so forth. It's overwhelming. So, what I wanted to create was a new site that takes the best products and not only sells them at competitive prices, but we have experts going out there and finding content for each product like white papers, data sheets, YouTube videos and so forth to save customers time. Additionally, as the site rolls out, we will be producing lots of product reviews that are VERY technical, so customers can get expert opinions and not just 3rd hand information about what's hot and what's not. There are a handful of good sites out there now, but each has their own personality, I think it's time for a new site where the customers can be part of the design process. That said, the more contributors we have, the more this site can be for the customers. So, please visit us and check out"

The new site just launched and we are taking orders now. Please logon, join the forums, be part of the conversation.

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